Airey Consultants acquired the structural engineering firm Stroude, and Manu Withers joined the company as a Director.
In 2020, Roger Twiname stepped down as a Director and continues to provide advice and peer review services.
In April 2021, Royden Tsui assumed the role of Associate Director.
In October 2021, Airey Consultants purchased Morconsult and integrated it into their Botany branch to enhance their structural team’s capabilities. Andrew Mortimer, the former owner of Morconsult, now collaborates with Airey as a consultant and advisor for structural and business matters.
In April 2022, Ashley Watson and Mitchell Roberts were appointed as Associate Directors to succeed Michael Lee, who was approaching retirement.
In April 2023, after 33 years of service, Michael Lee retired as a director. Following his retirement, Luoman Li and Nate van der Merwe were named Associate Directors.
Over the past 50 years, Airey has established itself as a reputable and successful company, thanks to the continuous support of their dedicated and growing team of employees. Some of these employees have been with the company for over 25 years, contributing their expertise and experience to the firm’s success. This long-term commitment and loyalty from staff members have been a key factor in maintaining the company’s stability and reputation.